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EMERGENCY 20 Extra Quality

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) hereby notify the applicant community that funds may be available for applications based on a presidentially declared disaster under the Stafford Act, a public health emergency declared by the Secretary, HHS, or other local, regional or national disaster. Applications in response to Emergency Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs) will be routed directly to the NIH awarding component signed on to the Emergency NOSI.



The National Institutes of Health (NIH) hereby notify the applicant community that funds may be available for applications based on a presidentially declared disaster under the Stafford Act, a public health emergency declared by the Secretary, HHS, or other local, regional or national disaster.

NIH may issue Emergency Award Notices in support of disaster under the Stafford Act, announcing a public health emergency declared by the POTUS and/or the Secretary, HHS, or other local, regional or national disaster. Additional information related to application review information will be included in the Emergency Notice of Special Interest (NOSI). Based on the circumstances of the declared public health emergency, applications for Emergency Awards may be routed directly to the NIH awarding component listed within an Emergency Award Guide Notice.

Any special reporting requirements specific to the public health emergency will be specified in the terms and conditions of award as applicable to the supplemental activities. In most non-competing continuation applications, the progress report and budget for the supplement must be included with, but clearly delineated from, the progress report and budget for the parent award. The progress report must include information about the activities supported by the supplement even if support for future years is not requested. Continuation of support for the supplement activities in the remaining years of the competitive segment of the grant will depend upon satisfactory review by the NIH awarding component of progress for both the parent award and the supplement project, the research proposed for the next budget period, and the appropriateness of the proposed budget for the proposed effort. This information is submitted with the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) and financial statements as required in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.

For any financial or grants management questions on this emergency application notice please contact the Grants Management Specialist or Grants Management Officer listed in the Emergency Notice of Special Interest (NOSI).

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 202 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), hereby declare that the national emergency declared by Proclamation 9844, and continued on February 13, 2020 (85 Fed. Reg. 8715), and January 15, 2021, is terminated and that the authorities invoked in that proclamation will no longer be used to construct a wall at the southern border. I hereby further direct as follows:

(iii) compile detailed information on all southern border wall construction contracts, the completion status of each wall construction project, and the funds used for wall construction since February 15, 2019, including directly appropriated funds and funds drawn from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund (31 U.S.C. 9705(g)(4)(B)), the Department of Defense Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities account (10 U.S.C. 284), and the Department of Defense Military Construction account (pursuant to the emergency authorities in 10 U.S.C. 2808(a) and 33 U.S.C. 2293(a)).

In certain circumstances, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) using section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA) can temporarily modify or waive certain Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, or HIPAA requirements, called 1135 waivers. There are different kinds of 1135 waivers, including Medicare blanket waivers. When there's an emergency, sections 1135 or 1812(f) of the SSA allow us to issue blanket waivers to help beneficiaries access care. When a blanket waiver is issued, providers don't have to apply for an individual 1135 waiver. When there's an emergency, we can also offer health care providers other flexibilities to make sure Americans continue to have access to the health care they need.

Update: On Thursday, December 29, 2022, President Biden signed into law H.R. 2716, the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) for Fiscal Year 2023. This legislation provides more than $1.7 trillion to fund various aspects of the federal government, including an extension of the major telehealth waivers and the Acute Hospital Care at Home (AHCaH) individual waiver that were initiated during the federal public health emergency (PHE).

Additionally, on January 30, 2023, the Biden Administration announced its intent to end the national emergency and public health emergency declarations on May 11, 2023, related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you're an entity in the declared emergency area, you can apply for an 1135 waiver. You'll usually hear back from us within 2-3 days, but if your request is more complicated, it may take up to a week. If your waiver request has 1 or 2 items, we may get back to you within 24 hours.

This Order and any emergency rules or regulations effected therefrom remain effective until the termination of the State of Emergency, except as may be rescinded, superseded, amended, or revised by additional orders.

If you're in your twenties and just beginning your financial journey, there are a few basics you might be working toward covering. An emergency fund is a very important foundational step when getting your finances in order.

However, you may be in your late twenties and have a higher salary or live in a more expensive city. Now let's say that your necessary expenses (rent or mortgage, food, utilities, Wi-Fi, transportation, medical costs, etc.) run you about $2,500 per month. A three-month emergency fund works out to be $7,500 and a six-month emergency fund adds up to $15,000.

To figure out how much you spend each month, you might want to go through your bank statements to find your monthly totals. Or, to reduce some of that hard work, you might use a budgeting app like Mint, which connects to all your financial accounts (checking account and credit cards included) and categorizes all your transactions. It'll give you a monthly summary of how much you've spent. This will pretty much expedite the process of figuring out how much to have in your emergency fund.

And even if you still live at home and don't have to pay for rent, Wi-Fi and/or food, you should still work on building your emergency fund. This will only help you feel more financially secure once you're ready to live on your own.

Like maybe you set a goal to increase your emergency fund by 5% each year. Or, perhaps you set up automatic transfers of $20 (or more, or whatever amount you're comfortable with) straight into your emergency account each week or each month. This way, you're saving money on autopilot and don't even to think how much money you can add to your emergency fund.

It's important to note, though, that your emergency fund should pretty much be growing with you. In other words, the older you get, the more money you'll need to have in your emergency fund. This is because when you're in your 20's, you likely don't have too many expenses beyond rent, utilities, Wi-Fi, food, medications and monthly debt payments.

Bulletin 20-B-12 is to remind health benefit plans of compliance requirements for operations under a state of emergency for purposes of obtaining extra prescriptions during a state of emergency or disaster, in accordance with N.C.G.S. 58-3-228. This authorization of extra prescriptions during this state of emergency in the State of North Carolina is valid for prescription medication requests made within 29 days of issuance of this bulletin, unless extended by an order issued by the Commissioner.

As residents worry about their paychecks and their health, the emergency regulation would prevent the eviction of renters impacted by COVID-19 countywide. State law vests the County with the authority to adopt this countywide protection (which will also apply in incorporated cities within the County) due to the local state of emergency resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak.

Under the emergency regulation, renters would be liable for back rent 180 days following the termination of the emergency, the continuing need for which the Board and County Manager will be reviewing as the COVID-19 crisis evolves.

San Mateo County Strong FundThe Board will vote on a plan to provide $3 million to provide emergency aid to: 1) prescreened individuals and families; 2) small businesses; and 3) nonprofit organizations serving our most vulnerable residents. Funds would come from Measure K, a half-cent, voter-approved sales tax extension. 041b061a72


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