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Design Of Reinforced Concrete Structures By Krishna Raju Pdf

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The design óf these advanced réinforced rajy structures cónform to the révised Indian standard codé This bóok is extensively iIlustrated with working dráwings showing the réinforcement details.

The book presents the design of variety of reinforced concrete structures like continuous beams, portal frames, silos, bunkers, chimneys, shells overhead water tanks, virendeel griders, trusses, deep beams, box culverts, folded plates, hyperbolic cooling towers, curved girders, poles, pipes and bridge deck systems. The design of these advanced reinforced concrete structures conform to the revised Indian standard code

Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of R.C. and Steel Structures PDFProf. Prakarsh Sangave, Mr. Nikhil Madur, Mr. Sagar Waghmare, Mr. Rakesh Shete, Mr. Vinayak Mankondi, Mr. Vinayak GundlaThe use of steel structure in India as compared to other countries is less, as India is developing country. In cities like Delhi and Mumbai, horizontal expansion is restricted therefore vertical growth of building becomes predominant. . Infill walls are probably the most important non-structural element in the context of seismic design. They helps in resisting the lateral forces. Due to their significance in-plane stiffness and strength, infill walls modify the anticipated seismic performance of a building. In the present work, three dimensional models of steel & RCC structures are analyzed by using equivalent static method under the provision of IS 1893: (2002) with the help of ETABS software. Where design and cost estimation is carried out using MS-Excel programming for all structures. Comparative study of bare & infill frame of four models of (G+6) & (G+10) RC & steel structures is carried out which is situated in seismic zone five (v).Masonry infill is modeled by Equivalent Diagonal Strut method.

Influences of Masonry Infill Wall, Tie Beam and RCC Bracing on Soft Storey Mechanism PDFProf. Prakarsh. Sangave, Mr. Rajkumar Waghmare, Mr. Nitin Hanamgaonswami, Mr. Zaid Ahmed Kalyani, Ms. Aishwarya Pawar, Ms. Harsha Shinde2The presence of infill wall in the building gives better behavior under lateral loads. Engineers believe that ignoring infill effect gives conservative design. For multistoried structures, the consideration of effect of bottom storey under seismic forces would be an important parameter. As per IS 1893 (Part-I) :2002 the columns and beams of the soft storey are to be designed for 2.5 times the storey shear and moments calculated under the seismic load of a bare frame ( i.e. without considering infill effect). In this paper model is studied to investigate the magnification factor for various load combinations considering peripheral masonry infill wall only, peripheral masonry infill wall along with tie beams and RCC X bracings under seismic effect. The Equivalent diagonal strut method is used to calculate the width of infill strut by FEMA approach. The R.C.C. building model (P+7) has been prepared using ETAB software. The Seismic Coefficient Method has been performed for the analysis of various models. The results of investigations and their conclusions are discussed below.

THREE DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS RESPONSE OF PILE SUBJECTED TO OBLIQUE LOADS PDFDr. Hussein A. Shaia, Dr. Sarmad A. AbbasPile foundations are commonly used to resist vertical and lateral loads applied to structures. Usually, these kinds of loads will act together to form a combination of loads, such as oblique forces that have a component of vertical and lateral forces. Predicting the behavior of piles subjected to oblique loads still remains a challenging task to geotechnical engineers. In this paper, results of numerical simulation of behavior of piles as embedded in cohesionless soil under oblique loads are presented by using ABAQUS. For the cohesionless soil, the Mohr-Coloumb constitutive law has been used to simulate the surrounding soil while the linear elastic model is used for modeling of the pile. The interactions between the pile and the surrounding soil are modeled thoroughly using contact elements based on slave-master concept. The results are shown in terms of load/displacement curves for the components of vertical and the lateral loading portions in different inclination angles. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are given concerning the design of piles under oblique loads.

Investigation on Achieving Optimum Surface Roughness by Optimizing Variable Machining Conditions in Turning GFRP Composite Using Taguchi Method and ANOVA PDFMd.Shafiul Alam, Ahmed Yusuf, Abir Rahman, Inzamam-ul-haqThe accuracy of achieving required surface finish or surface roughness is of great importance in case of any mass production environment. Thus, understanding and recognizing the optimal process parameters for machining is the key to achieving the required surface roughness and gaining competitive advantage. This research is concerned with obtaining the optimal machining process parameters (cutting speed, depth of cut, feed) which will in turn effect in optimizing the surface roughness in turning glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) matrix composite using coated carbide insert. To find the optimal machining process parameters Taguchi design method has been implemented. An L-16 orthogonal array, signal to noise ratio and ANOVA have been implemented to analyze and understand various process parameters in deter-mining possible relationship with surface roughness. The optimum surface roughness value for this experiment is (3.664Îm) which is obtained from Taguchi design method. The results from ANOVA conclude that feed is the most influential factor affecting the outcome having a contribution of (56.04%). And the contributions of depth of cut and cutting speed are separately in order of (17.94%) and (16.42%) respectively. This research provides optimal process parameters for any desired value of surface roughness which results in gaining a competitive edge over others in any mass production environment.

Use of Coconut Husk Fiber for Improved Compressive and Flexural Strength of Con-crete PDFAnthony Nkem Ede and Joshua Olaoluwa AgbedeRapid crack propagation, brittle mode of failure and increased overload are common in concrete structures due to the low tensile strength of concrete. Although conventional steel reinforced concrete is the most popular method developed to reduce such problems, it is rather becoming expensive in terms of its costs and sustainability issues. Because of the huge capital investment to run the steel industry, many manufacturers in the developing nations try to cut corners by reducing the quality of steel thereby reducing the strength. This has led to a lot of challenges including building collapse accompanied by devastating economic and human loss. For these drawbacks, the development of contemporary concrete technologies such as eco-friendly and affordable coconut fiber reinforced concrete needs more investigation. This research studies the effect of coconut fibers on the strength of concrete which includes the compressive and the flexural strength of normal concrete. The fibers were used in different percentages (0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, and 1.0%) of the weight of the fine aggregates. 16 short beams were used for flexural strength at 0%, 0.5% and 1.0% fiber content which were tested after curing for 7 and 28 days. Destructive and nondestructive compressive tests were conducted on 40 concrete cubes to doubly validate the test results. The correlation of the two tests results were very good. The results showed that the compressive strength of coconut fiber-reinforced concrete increased with curing age and with increasing percentage of coconut fiber up to 0.5% then gradually began to decrease from 0.75% to 1.0%. The percentage strength gained at 28 days for 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0% fiber contents with respect to the control sample are 4.58%, 38.13%, 8.56% and -2.42% respectively. The results for the flexural strength of concrete showed that strength gained at 28 days for 0.25%, 0.5% and 1.0% of coconut husk fiber were 28.82%, 22.15% and 0.42% respectively.

PREDICTING OF TORSIONAL STRENGTH OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BEAMS USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS PDFAkram S. MahmoodIn this paper, the artificial neural networks (ANNs) model in predicting the torsional strength of prestressed concrete beams is done. Experimental data of eighty two rectangular prestressed concrete beams under pure torsion from an existing available literature were used to develop ANN torsion model. The input parameters affecting the torsional strength of prestressed concrete beams were selected as dimensions of beams, steel ratio of transverse reinforcements, spacing of stirrups, steel ratio of longitudinal (main) reinforcement, prestressing force, concrete compressive strength, also flexural and splitting strengths. An algorithm of back propagation neural network (BPNN) with the log-sigmoid activation function is adopted due to its accuracy and results enhancement of predictions the torsional model. In addition to the ANN model is compared with ACI- 318 building code provisions for the design of prestressed concrete beams under pure torsion. The study illustrates that the ANN models give a very good predictions of the ultimate torsional strength of prestressed concrete beams.

Implication of an Axial flow Compressor PDFAishwarya Ramesh,Kosaraju ShreyaThe main objective in this thesis is to give encyclopedic on the axial flow compressor .Axial flow compressor is used to get the compressed pressurized air as an input the gas turbine. This thesis includes the performance parameters of axial flows such as energy exchange between the rotor and fluid compressor and variation of flow over a axial blade of the compressor. Here we discuss about the mass flow, rotational speed, number of stages, pressure ratio and which effect the efficiency of the axial compressor .Now we are going to deal with the effect of stalling and surge on the fluid flow and also deal with the compressor map by these parameter it useful in the design of Axial flow compressor .The work presented comprises of basic flow parameters and dimensions of parts, this makes the further design process quite simple and the results will be helpful to take further changes or improvement at the time of detailed design. 153554b96e


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