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PandaFiles [setup]

Before attempting to integrate a new robot with MoveIt, check whether your robot has already been setup (see the list of robots running MoveIt). Otherwise, follow the tutorials in this section to integrate your robot with MoveIt (and share your results on the MoveIt Discourse Channel)

PandaFiles [setup]

We will use GCP to complete this task. So we assume you already have access to Google Cloud console with a valid billing account (If not, please contact us to help you further). Click here for first time setup of your Google Cloud account. Afterwards, complete the following steps:

The -desktop-release stays the same link and should indeed give you the current Release version available for download from Mozilla. Also for Windows it will be the full offline setup and not the small online stub installer.

All parameters passed to launch files in this section come with default values, so theycan be omitted if using the default network addresses and ROS namespaces.Make sure the source command was called with the setup script from your workspace:

The example assumes a robot configuration according to dual_panda_example.urdf.xacro where twoPandas are mounted at 1 meter distance on top of a box. Feel free to replace this robot descriptionwith one that matches your setup.The option rviz allows to choose whether a visualization should be launched. With rqt the usercan choose to launch an rqt-gui which allows an online adaption of the rendered end-effectorimpedances at runtime via dynamic reconfigure.

IP ban is a block setup by a server to reject request made from a particular IP or range of IP addresses. The IP ban may have been implemented automatically due to abuse pattern detected by the server or placed manually by an administrator. IP ban is implemented to protect the server from abuse such as brute force attacks, block emails from known spammers and limit usage by users. IP Ban allows a server to ban an IP address from accessing a website, forum, email or game server.

Follow PANDA's build instructions. The pandare/panda docker container includes the pandare package. If you setup panda with the script, it will install PyPANDA for you. Otherwise, when your install instructions tell you to run be sure to include the --python flag.

Copy a directory from the host into the guest by1) Creating an .iso image of the directory on the host2) Run a bash command to mount it at the exact same path + .ro and then copy the files to the provided path3) If the directory contains, run it

Take a recording as follows:0) Revert to the specified snapshot name if one is set. By default 'root'. Set to None if you have already set up the guest and are ready to record with no revert1) Create an ISO of files that need to be copied into the guest if copy_directory is specified. Copy them in2) Run the setup_command in the guest, if provided3) Type the command you wish to record but do not press enter to begin execution. This avoids the recording capturing the command being typed4) Begin the recording (name controlled by recording_name)5) Press enter in the guest to begin the command. Wait until it finishes.6) End the recording 041b061a72


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