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Serial De Simcity 4 Deluxe Edition

Hi everyone, I just bought the sim city 4 deluxe version of the game i even have the receipt and everything and when I put the cd in the computer it asks for the serial at the back of the cd case. First of all, there is no CD case, and second its not on the back of anything. Then in the manual it says that the serial is on the back of the manual yet there is nothing there but the acces code to register the game with. I'm absolutely furious because my son picked up an old copy of sim city 3000 and he had a lot of fun playing with it and I drove pretty far to a local gamestore because most stores around me didnt carry the game anymore. So what am I supposed to do?! any help is appriciated

Serial De Simcity 4 Deluxe Edition

lol okay i think i figured out what is going on here.. I dont even have a manual with the box art printed on it!! I only have a little black and white guide that says "simcity deluxe edition installment guide" (which has the registration code on the back) and a yellow hint card, so I guess someone swiped that manual with the serial on it. Probably seems odd that I didnt notice it was missing earlier but 1) I never in my life read those things and 2) I was extremely busy trying the game out! *****s at gamestop. My only question now is will my "bad" serial conflict with my being registered when it comes to downloadable content?

1503 A.D. The New World serial: 0705-7933859-6725970-0015Age Of Mythology br Serial: P3HM4-WDM27-662XW-9BPTV-CFVMQAl Qaeda Hunting 3D serial: 23822Back and White Br serial : 0901-3324366-4702210-2081Battlefield 1942 Serial : 5000-0000000-0000000-1318Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII: 2gyy-3wlk-8btf-wjur-g277Battlefield Vietnam: V2W6-54VJ-9R11-XJPV-79CMBattlefield 2: TW99-NWBV-0PVZ-EAEI-JVTLBLACK & WHITE BR - 0901-3324366-4702210-2081Black & White: Creature Isle serial: 1740-9488245-5171152-1858Chrome (c) Take 2: XTITY-92Y9L-MGPVA-KJ4Z6CLIVE BARKER'S UNDYING - 2500-0911911-0911911-2705Comanche 4 serial: 3s2d-flt1-cls2-rule-7865Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour Expansion:ULPF-ZEVK-FRWG-Q4YJ-6F2TCommand & Conquer: Renegade serial: 056894-929488-118387-9679COMMAND E CONQUER GENERALS SERIAL: 4963-7882913-5984076-0674Copa do Mundo FIFA 2002 BR SERIAL: 5500-5827167-6713862-1708Dark Reign 2 CD-Key : GAR3-RAB8-FUP9-NYZ7-2832Dead Man's Hand S/N: DEVB-Q7S3-Z5T8-ZGE8-AZ84-JT3KDelta Force 3: Land Warrior - s/n: N5E3-YXH2-G983-9WYB-B3ZSDelta Force 4: Task Force Dagger serial: 72YL-R4SB-GKG6-3WKS-HQ27Delta Force 5 Black Hawk Down serial: QF7S-HZMK-XLXP-CUJN-HDTZDelta Force Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre (Expansão)Delta Force Xtreme: DFX-WESTIL-LKICKY-DULASS-ANYDAYSerial: AV4E-YVQE-NACM-DD3M-KBW3DELTA FORCE: LAND WARRIOR - N33G-6HM2-9Y8F-HD4U-M7S9Devastation_CDKEY: 5B36F-976AA-6A471-58B8D-92B7BDOOM 3 CD-KEY: VB44-6BWV-H6UZ-RRPE-5EDominius II Serial: 1111-1111-1111-064Earth 2150 : Lost Souls Serial : 7XJC-UD2E-E83L-Z5T5Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom Serial : BAC9-RAL8-SAS2-SAX2-9999Empire Earth: Art of Conquest Serial : GER2-MAN2-RAP2-PER5-2252F1 2002 SERIAL: 7931-9865028-6024865-1156F1 champiship season 2000 serial: 2000-5005241-5005241-6839FA_Premier_League_Manager_2002: 4507-1863659-3033569-5650FIFA 2003 BR: BL7G-929A-2YXE-UFZZFIFA SOCCER 06: ON99-FLZU-9DEV-WTFM-6DEVFreedom Fighters: PQGY-4FAQ-TMQ5-Q4X8-KXCSFREEDOM FORCE: 1439-8808778-3837107-2854Frontline Attack - War over Europe SERIAL: FUBP-EYNZ-KFXC-SKM2Galactic Civilizations With Bonus serial: DN-500792-GC1-CLS4FLT8XTGLOBAL OPERATIONS: 5000-0000000-0000000-5021Ground Control Serial : RAC2-RAL2-CAS3-RAD3-3542half life couter strike serial: 2462-92319-7642half life edição especial:UCF1840810021327half life opposing force serial: 2708-43011-3332 ou UCF1840810021327HALF LIFE: UCF1840810021327HALF-LIFE - 2420-92220-4482HALF-LIFE: COUNTER-STRIKE - 2462-92319-7642HARRY POTTER : 0901-7014788-4117807-0206Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup: 3FJA-LVDF-DAJP-34HR-RDEVHARY POTER E A CAMERA SECRETA SERIAL: 7954-3123341-1387427-3052Heli Heroes - serial: 8bnk-c9eh-63hb-kj88Hidden and Dangerous 2: 1234-5678-9abc-dddfHomeworld 2 (c) SIERRA: NAS3-DEC2-BYJ5-CUJ6-8385homeworld: BAB2-BAB2-CEZ8-TAC3-9978Hoyle_Majestic Chess: XYN6-NAB4-FES2-MUX7-3485IGI 2 COVERT STRIKE SERIAL: 031F-F8D0-6536-B510James Bond 007: NightFire Serial : 1740-9488245-5171152-5578Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs. Death: NUN6-GAB2-TAX7-ZYG6-3537Kelly Slater Pro Surfer Serial: 0f162xa28pg34dhcKingdom Under Fire Gold Edition serials: E3VI FP69 HT79 5KVGLego Soccer Mania serial: 1500-0776239-9370523-4726madden nfl 2001: 1500-6610360-1643530-0243Madden NFL 2004: VMZ9-JXRC-AZOR-J000-1911Madden_NFL_2002_ CDKEY enter: 0901-5445152-2745753-4827Medal Of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough: L5KB-32WY-B6G5-6747-YQ49Medal of Honor: Allied Assault CD key, enter 5000-0000000-0000000-5068MEDAL OF HONNOR: ALLIED ASSAULT CD-Key: 7931-9865028-6024865-9663Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 - Airport 2002 Volume 1serial use:A221-A24AABAA-FDBA5DD9Moto Racer 3: 54e9-a751-1da8-e109-efb3-51f9-d90f-75d0-2250MVP Baseball 2003 CD-Key: JNXC-PAPN-KR96-MY5Pnascar 2002 SERIAL: RAF2-RAL2-RAS2-RAX2-6667NASCAR RACING 4 - GAC7 REB8 TUX6 DAC2 7833Nascar Thunder 2003 serial: NASC-ARTH-UNDE-RJAMNascar Thunder 2004: CLZH-PE48-R9RR-G9ZT-9DSWNBA LIVE 2001 - 2001-0020601-0010978-6694NBA Live 2001 CD KEY: 2001-0020601-0010978-6694NEED FOR SPEED 2003: HOT PURSUIT 2 serial: 8249-7EE3-84EW-TXGTNeed For Speed: Underground s/n: SQZZ-2Y44-8AS4-7QSQ-YDEVNeverwinter Nights serial QFETM-MPU3X-DN6FF-MHFDA-YWARA-4HMPE-RDJTGNHL 2002: 1000-2003004-0000000-4904NHL 2004: 6T22-8L62-6666-8666-6666O.R.B:SERIAL: JTRV74NVVKUJX7AMOperation Flashpoint Gold Upgrade Red Hammer serial M3CZ P5186 XNEYLCL0T7 513NTOUT LIVE BR: c9523c-1a4466-237cb8-dc7e67Pro Evolution Soccer 5: NXUD-PACV-EM2X-KPC9-6AYUQUAKE III Arena - THWT37AB3P7JBTPCQUAKE III Team Arena - TSBH 7CCG DPWP B2LT 84QUAKE IV: 9TFP-TXCG-XFMM-XXR9-9DGTReturn to Castle Wolfenstein CD-KEY: CLAL-A7WJ-DTSJ-WARP-88Rise of Nations:RXVC3-B3347-DVG9X-FTFQF-9M7XTRoller Coaster Tycoon 3 serial: RLDU-M24D-83CX-C8LZ-WDHS-ETNDS.W.A.T. 3 - Elite Edition - TED4-SAB4-DUB7-CYJ2-8652Sacrifice serial: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxSail Simulator 4.2 Serial : SS42-V7CGQ-9BCGM-4C326-JW25CSavage: The Battle for Newerth: LB42-Z05V-VK9S-I7BM-58S5Sega GT Serial : GTJ08010-322007-01723Serial do Tiger: 1500-3202255-2068109-2932Shogun 2: CDKEYS = 0901-3721384-6427058-7026Shogun Total War Serial : 1600-0052410-0052410-6424SIM CITY 3000 UNLIMITED BR - 5001-9781634-6520278-1000Sim City 4 Rush Hour *MULTI*: CLC4-5ZU8-6C4S-9W46-LS4Esimcity 4 serial: GRUS-4528-8217-1ULFSimcoaster serial : 2001-0013101-0010978-2823SIMGOLF: 5000-0000000-0000000-5071SOLDIER OF FORTUNE 2: 3Z4J - J3PP - K848 - EWPK - 1FSOLDIER OF FORTUNE GOLD - BEN6-MUC8-BEZ6-BUJ6-3764Spell Force: 08AFX-CGGML-W260D-5RRP0-CVNFDSpy Hunter Serial: SHU3E7RVCCRBFHSSStar Trek Elite Force 2 - TFAK-7WCH-44RH-YJ7X-F9E9Star Trek StarFleet Command : Orion Pirates Serial :4008-B491-1DC3-0F6Cstarfleet command 3 serial: 0000-0000-0000-K28KSTARTRECK: RYS8-LAB4-JEF8-BYM3-4652Sub Command: Seawolf-Akula CDKEY: 0901-1315206-2102812-3248SUPERBIKE 2001 - 1500-4288423-2982915-3163Team Factor SERIAL: 2NKZYY9-2SKAKSCTerminator 3: Rise of the Machines Serial: TTDA-H8VW-KJDV-NNKATHE SIMS BR - 100486-585530-905808-0928THE SIMS DELUXE BR SERIAL: 5500-5782961-4067120-2138THE SIMS em ferias br : 1500-9874009-0973804-6601THE SIMS ENCONTRO MARCADO BR: 1501-7709210-3634998-1949The Sims Num Passe de Magica: U9BK-8XSP-YAG4-WYL4-SDEVthe sims supertar_ super estrelas br serial: 1500-1762775-7663263-1513THE SIMS: FAZENDO A FESTA - 0901-4177371-2064872-3510THE SIMS: O BIXO VAI PEGAR! SERIAL: 9932-1129289-4998838-6403THE SIMS: GOZANDO A VIDA SERIAL: 8663-4966712-3945768-1934 ou5500-7457886-5179416-4991throne of darkness serial : RAC2-RAD2-RAC2-RAC2-3387Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002 serial: 5000-0000000-0000000-5045TIGER WOODS PGA TOUR 2003 SERIAL: FLTR-0825-9192-1RLCTony Hawks Pro Skater 4: P4EPBTIQDAIH7WXMTotal Club Manager 2003 serial : 1500127097911060657818Train Simulator - The Activities Serial: 6850-YV6AYS6BTrainz serial, enter: RAZO-R9XI-XXXC-XXXT-XXGX-1911Tron 2.0 (c) Disney Interactive: 9393-L9CN-PRTB-T7N4-5858Universal Combat Serial: 2B46-97F6-OF33-99BB "Atenção o O podera serum 0"Unreal Tournament 2003 Serial : LYR22-RZ743-A9D7T-CNNENWar! Age of Imperialism: 1101-8603-2629-7418Warcraft 3 final o serial está no cd na pasta do crack chamadarazor1911--------------------------------------------------------------------------------SERIAIS DIVERSOSCorel Draw Graphics suite 12 BR Serial: DR12WEX-1504397-KTYNero Burning Room Powerpack 6.3 Serial: 1A25-0006-7130-1352-4239-7903APLICATIVOS COMERCIAIS 2003 BR - CD-KEY: 0947201Roxyo Easy Media CD Creator 7 Serial: YN-Y7WVY-CQXG6-K3KWZWindows XP Professional com Service Pack 1 (BR):J6T2H-YBT26-FWXGY-2HVXJ-TTBDYADOBE PHOTOSHOP 7 (BR): 1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783Office 2003 Professional (BR): GWH28-DGCMP-P6RC4-6J4MT-3HFDYSpell Force: 08AFX-CGGML-W260D-5RRP0-CVNFDFrontpage 2003 (BR): WFDWY-XQXJF-RHRYG-BG7RQ-BBDHMLord of the Rings: War of the Ring: XUF5-JUB2-JAB8-JUD3-4947Lord Of The Rings The Return Of The King: s/n: TMXF-Q23L-LCEG-Y9WW-V94GMagic The Gathering: Battlegrounds: 8DEV-NG6A-3B26-2EKL-LJWY-LNNBIllustrator CS Serial: 1034-1050-8697-5540-0366-7862Creative Suite Serial: 1131-1028-1537-2956-7072-0359Microsoft Works Suite 2004: QTXM8-J6C9R-XQPRT-CTJJ8-PPGGDNORTON ANTISPAM 2004: VQHV-T8H2-YBBF-DQ4H-D7BB-BBWRBionicle the Game: 4466-6319787-4779568-28


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